Friday, June 12, 2009


"Leave room for Jesus" is one of the things I hear most out of my friends, and it's really starting to annoy me. ARGH. JUST BACK OFF.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Forever & A Day... ♥

OMGiggles. An update.
*shock and disbelief*

1st oob. Bryant.
Oh. My. God. I love that kid so much... he's such a sweetie, and he really cares. It's so nice to finally have someone like him in my life. I mean, really... it's so different from all of the other guys I've dated, and I've really fallen in love with him. =]

2nd oob. Yearbooks.
We got our yearbooks last week, and mine's already almost filled with amazing things that my friends have said. lulz. I'm getting one every year 'cause I want documentation of all my high school career, I'm such a nerd. =P

3rd oob. School.
Is almost over, thank GOD. I mean REALLY. I'm so distracted (as you can tell, I'm writing to you), and it's going to feel so good to have all the stresses of schoolwork and shit off of my chest. I tried out for Wind Ensemble a couple of weeks ago, and I still haven't gotten the letter, and it's kind of pissing me off. It's like, POST A FREAKING LIST ALREADY DAMMIT. *rant, rave, snort* However, the Eagle Band list was posted- I'M IN. :D I'm so excited for band camp, I might just explode!!

4th oob. Summer.
Oh, yeah, summer... the joyous time of year where there's no teachers, homework, you can sit back, relax- oh, wait. Not me this year. I've got Birchwood like 5 days after school gets out, then, the day after I get back Eagle Band rehersals begin... which I'm kind of pumped for, but a little anxious-I mean, I won't have played my flute in a MONTH. D: Bahh.

5th oob. My abundant ingelligence.
It's really quite abundant... need I say more?

6th oob. I hate the world and all who inhabit it... a lot of my friends are really starting to annoy me; they won't ever leave me alone. Like seriously, I can't even get 5 minutes alone with ANYBODY. And I like never get to see Bryant, so it's doubly annoying. *strangle*

7th oob. Bryant's birthday. Sunday. Shiz. Dunno what I'm going to do yet, but I'm hoping that I can just spend the day with him or something- that's all I really want to do before I leave, too... *sigh*

8th oob. An epic weekend.
This last weekend was probably one of the best weekends I've had in a while- Laura and I got together on Friday and watched the Oceans movies, and it was sexy. On Saturday, we got together with her boyfriend, Alex, and Brian K at Starring Lake and hung out there. Surprisingly, my parents let me stay with her and then sleep over at her house- it was so great, we watched a million episodes of Psych and I am now officially hooked on that show. [I AM A FAN OF DELICIOUS FLAVOR!] We tried watching Twilight with her mom, but the DVD player died... lol. It was so nice to be able to just hang out again... and her mom makes amazing pancakes.

So... that's all for now, I'm sure there's more that I'm not thinking of, but whatevah. :3


P.S. Look 10 years into your future... who do you see yourself waking up next to?